Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Two shots that I took in 2015 shortly after my returning from Berlin. I went to Bucharest to pick up my bachelor license from the University and while doing this I visited the city where I lived for 4 years.

It was May-June and I met Crina, an old friend and colleague from the University. She studied ceramics and had her atelier and home in this eastern neighborhood, close to the exit on the highway to the Black Sea. I really should visit Bucharest more often, I think to myself now when because of a virus outbreak that went pandemic I cannot even go out for a walk in the park.

I took these two shots at a wide aperture, one with the focus on the poppies, the other with the focus on the buildings from the background, just because I didn't knew exactly which one would I like better. So here is a GIF with both of them.

Kodak Ektar, Pentax Spotmatic F, Bucharest, 2015

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